Scrumboard - An Effective and Efficient way of handling Work Packages

Vabro Support

Mar 11, 2024

Scrumboards are an important and effective way to maintain clarity in Scrum projects. Scrumboards depict the progress of the team during a particular sprint. By using Scrumboards, all team members can concentrate on their respective tasks. Each task is represented as a Workpackage in Vabro. A Scrumboard contains three columns to indicate the progress of the estimated tasks for the Sprint:

To Do’ column – This column is for tasks not yet started and needs to be completed. The Scrum Master can further break the Work Packages into tasks to be done during the sprint and allocte each task to a team member. 

‘In Progress’ column – This column is for tasks that are started and are being worked on by a Scrum team member. Information from the ‘To Do’ column are generally moved to this column during the Daily Stand-up meeting by the team member who intends to work/are allotted on the task. The Scrum Master keeps track of all tasks being worked upon by seeing the Scrumboard in the Vabro tool.

‘Done’ column – All tasks that have been successfully completed will be listed in this column. The members who have successfully completed their respective allocated tasks can move on to next available task or take assistance from the Scrum Master to allocate another under their name.

Scrumboard essentially is a very important feature to aid in efficiency as it removes redundancy in work. Team members have a clear lookout on who is working on what aspect of the sprint. Vabro makes Scrumboard an easy glance feature which helps team members to plan their work in advance to ensure that the team stays on track without any issues.
